Milí Fénixáci,
Kurt Loewenstein Education Centre vás pozýva na medzinárodnú Zimnú školu s názvom “Fighting Racism – Engaging for Diversity”.
Termín podujatia je 27. december až 3. január. Samozrejme nebudú chýbať ani novoročné oslavy. Očakávaná účasť je 80-100 ľudí z organizácií IUSY, YES a IFM-SEI. Je potrebné vedieť komunikovať v angličtine. Strava a ubytovanie sú hradené. Platí sa poplatok 30-80€ v závislosti od krajiny. V prípade záujmu alebo otázok napíšte Marie Wilpers na
Deadline prihlasovania je 15.11.2017
Racism is becoming more accepted and visible in our world – it has been confirmed in the recent election motivations and results in different countries all over Europe. During our international Winterschool we are going to analyse, discuss and reflect on different aspects and components of racism. We are going to explore the topic from the perspective of Marxist theories and reflect on the connection between racism and capitalism. We are going to use different theories, tools and educational methods in order to look at racism within our societies and communities, exploring the structure behind it. Besides sharing work and lots of political debates, we will not forget to have fun together, self-organized by the participants. We will spend as well a day in Berlin and will celebrate together NEW YEARS EVE in our Education Center.
Where to register?